Kontakt os & Juridisk meddelelse

Social Media Daily GmbH
Luisenstraße 45
10117 Berlin

Bemærk venligst: Kundeservice tilbydes udelukkende på engelsk.




+49 (0)30 / 92 102 895, hverdage fra 9:30 – 18:00 CET


Data indtastet i kontaktformularen vil blive behandlet i overensstemmelse med vores privatlivspolitik.

Social Media Daily GmbH
Luisenstraße 45
10117 Berlin

Email: contact@socialmediadaily.com
Website: www.socialmediadaily.dk
Telephone: +49 (0)30 / 92 102 895, weekdays 9:30 am – 6 pm CET

Social Media Daily GmbH
Place of Business: Berlin, Germany
District Court Berlin HRB 159831 B

CEO: Jonas Kopka
VAT Reg. No.: DE295957678
Tax ID: 30/537/32877

Authority i.S.d. § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: Social Media Daily GmbH
Jonas Kopka

Here you can find our general terms and conditions.

Website content
As the operator of the website, Social Media Daily GmbH endeavors that the offers of the site www.socialmediadaily.com/de are up-to-date, correct, complete, of high quality and provided in accordance with the applicable and available statutory provisions. However, Social Media Daily GmbH does not undertake a guarantee thereof. Liability claims brought against Social Media Daily GmbH are prohibited provided that they have not been proven to have acted with intensional gross negligence. Social Media Daily GmbH can partly or wholly alter, delete or augment the offers of this website at any time without notice.

Principally, a liability undertaking against Social Media Daily GmbH for direct or indirect reference to foreign websites is debarred. Social Media Daily GmbH distances itself from all content of linked sites which were altered after the links posting. This effects all links applied within the website. It is assured that at the time of the link‘s posting, the presence of any illegal content was not known. For these reasons, Social Media Daily can not be held responsible for any resulting damages. Liability claims can only be brought against Social Media Daily if it were technically possible and reasonable that the use of illegal content could have been prevented. Despite careful control of content Social Media Daily GmbH undertakes no responsibility for the content of external links. The content of linked sites is the sole responsibility of that particular site‘s operator.

Creator and indicator rights
In the case that nothing else is stated, copyright laws underlie all sites of this web presence. This applies especially to text, images and graphics including their deployal and arrangement on the website. A commercial use of this content is independent thereof and is permitted only after the prior approval of Social Media Daily GmbH. The copyright of Social Media Daily GmbH whose representative and agent of the constructed website remains with Social Media Daily GmbH. A reproduction or takeover without the consent of the website‘s operators is explicity forbidden.

Online dispute resolution
Online dispute resolution website for online shops – Online dispute resolution according to article 14, paragraph 1 ODR-VO: The European Commission provides a platform for the resolution of online disputes (ODR), which can be found under https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/ .

Please note: We explicitly do not represent any social network and we are in no way affiliated to the platforms that our marketing service offers are about.